MAGICS Yay, I've been needing to add something about magics! There is no 'mana,' or limit of use of magics. But, there is a limit to the complexity of the spell, and only skilled mages can pull off extremely complicated magic patterns. Magic patterns are where a mage might preform a series of spells or enchantments, and then the final spell being a command for it all to repeat without him haveing to conciously repeat it. Magics are the cause of any creatures 'super-natural' powers, but not everything is magic as you might think it is... For example, fire-breathing dragons. They have a gland where they produce an extremely flameable liquid, a sort of oil, in their throat. They can bring the flameable body fluids up and onto two flintstone-like hardened biomatter. Useing muscles attached to these 'flintstones,' they spark them toether while dowsed in the flameable body oils, and spark flames. The dragon then exhales, carrying the flames out with it's breath. This is why they smoke at the nostrials when angered or prepared to breath fire; they have already sparked flames in their throat, and the smoke of the flames are expelled out the nostrails to keep it from clogging up the lungs. Besides that, they are immune to the toxins of smoke, and a fire-breathing dragon's main mass should be infused with a chemical that causes it to be fire-proof, thus resulting in a mainly fire-proof beast, with those parts that are flameable being the flameable body fluids and the like. So, not everything is magical. Your Average Magic This part is about neutral magics. These magics are simple tools, not corrupt nor divine. They range from complexed enchantments programmed to design artificial intelligence, like a computer, and to enchant things and give artificial life, or more simple magics; a summoning of fire in a particular place, perhaps? Also, to preform most magics on someone, accept the magics that you shoot out (Like fireballs.) , you have to target. Do this by simply locking on the lifeforce or whatever, and once you do that, whatever being you've targeteted, you can... Make levitate, for example. You can target/lock onto someone's lifeforce from almost any distance, provided you know their exact location and that they exsist. Neutral magics consist of: Conjuration (Subfamilies: Conjuring, Summoning, Creation.), Transportation (Subfamilies: Levitation, Teleportation, Force.), Change (Subfamilies: Enchanting, Morphsis, Combination, Division.), Illusion (Subfamilies: Sight Illu., Hearing Illu., Feeling Illu., Taste Illu., Smelling Illu., Emotional Illu., Terror.), and Elemental magics. Elemental magics will not have a large paragraph like the others; they're just summoning/conjuring a certain part of an 'element' such as fire, or water. It can also be used in fusion magics, to infuse something with such an element. CONJURATION Summoning Summoning is where you bring something from one dimension/world/existance, to another. In this case, to Zienth. A summoned creature can be... Well, as said, anything from any place. It could even be an object, or non-living thing. Of course, you want to be careful when summoning from dangerous dimensions... And, some existances can't have their things summoned to Zienth. For example, you cannot 'summon' someone out of the nether, if they went down there... And, you cannot summon them out of Heaven. And even if other worlds don't have nethers or Heaven, I'll say Zienth does, because those places play a big role in mythology, 'yeh know? Creation A very powerful magic that can even bring souls and new life to creations. But most often, new life is only a miracle occasion. Usually, the mage 'creates' an object using magics, but he can possibly create a body and add a summoned soul. Such as, a inter-dimensional soul, perhaps. ...Or in accidental cases, his own soul... Thus why some call creation magics a bit risky. Of objects that are created, are often fire of ice spikes which are flung at the enemy using a levitation spell. So, with all the possibilities of creation magics, TRANSPORTATION Levitation The magic that makes things fly, float, move against forces of gravity. Basically, It's cutting off graviety's affect on something. You can also cut off the force of other things pushing, to possibly even make an object fully unable to budge. Ironicly, the caster cannot make himself levitate. Teleportation Simply moveing molecules and particals from one place to another. Because one can set magic with an artificial intelligence, the magic may 'know' (If programmed to know) to teleport the clothing on the caster with him. It can also be programmed to teleport the caster's particals in order; that way, teleporting won't horrificly mutate him. With teleportation being such a complexed magic, ahving to do with programming the magics and giving them artificial intelligence, it is not advised to novice mages, and only suggested to those who are very skilled in magic. Force Force is the basis of transportation magic, as you need force to move anywhere in the first place. Force is simply a causing of a magic-made force on something, and what beginners start with when practicing Transportation magic. CHANGE Combination Combination is where you magically fuse the body, spirit, anything else of two beings. Or, simply fuseing two objects together. Some people may think platypuses were result of this combination magic, but no, they are naturally like that on Zienth as they are on earth... Chimeras and griffons are often results of combination magics, for example. Division Let's say you've combined something, but you want it seperate again? That's what the division is for. But you must be careful; say you've combined a chimera, but you divide it back into 3 creatures; you might get 3 little chimeras, or a goat and two panther-snakes, ect... Division can also be used to divide, let's say... A person, for example. You would get 2 people, or 3, or any number depending on how much you divided them. All the outcome-people would have a portion of the original's genetic traits and personality, but be possibly missing traits that the other fractions might have inherited. And thus with the traits inherited to one fraction, it cannot go to another, unless you divide the trait itself. Enchanting Enchanting is to give an object or being a certain phyiscal/mortal, mental, or spiritual trait. It can be negative, positive, or neutral depending on the enchantment. Negative enchaments are simply referred to as curses, and positive enchantments are called blessings. Example: To curse one's mind with insanity. Example: To bless one's body with limitless strength. Example: To enchant that sword so it talks and levitates. Morphsis Simple; changing of form, species, or race. Weres obviously have a bit of morphsis to them, for example. Full-blown shape-shifters could have once been mages who mastered morphsis magics. ILLUSION Combining different illusions of the senses, mind, and emotion can make for some very decieving magics, Sight Illusion Playing tricks and illusions on one's sight, making them see things that aren't there. Hearing Illusion Playing tricks and illusions on one's hearing, causeing them to hear things that were never actually heard. Feeling Illusion Playing tricks and illusions on one's feeling senses, causeing them to feel things that were never actually felt. Taste Illusion Usually used by dishonest chefs, this illusion can make something taste better than it actually does. It can also make something taste worse... Scent Illusion An illusion usually used to seemingly dull the sense of smell of creatures with an acute ability to scent. Emotional Illusion An illusion that causes particular emotions on someone, triggered and decided by the caster. Terror Kinda falls in the Emotional Illusion section, this illusion just kinda strikes explainable terror in the target. Kinda like the lycanthrope's ability. DIVINE MAGIC Holy stuff, my favorite. Basically, this magic is mostly postive, especially for living things provided they aren't demonic. It has a postive affect on the caster; enhanced complexion, health, sanity, and longlivity. Priests and divine mages are the same things on Zienth. The magics are weakened if the caster does evil, but if they do a deed of good, the magics are strengthened. Divine magic consists of; Bane Demon (Subfamilies: Bane undead, Bane Demonic, Bane black magic.) Mending (Subfamilies: Restore sanity/mind, Restore body). BANE DEMON Banning evil stuff, woohoo! Bane Undead A simple subfamily that will make your undead go back to being dead. Perfect zombie, ghoul, skeleton, ect. repellant, seeing when undead see this spell in use, they panick and run for their... Second-lives, seeing this is their second time being alive. Bane Demonic To send a demonic summoned creature, (Such as a voidmere, for example. But only if the voidmere is corrupt in mind will it work.) back to the place it came from. Be it the nether, or the Void. It can also be used to cast out demons possesing people, to purify necromancers and witches, and to purify other corrupt creatures that aren't completely bad, but of the mortal world. Bane Black Magic Just a spell to dispell curses, spells, or anything that an enemy necromnacer might cast, rendering them near-helpless to be purified. Also used to dispell curses in general. MENDING To fix things, of course. Restore Sanity/Mind A simple divine subfamily used to restore one's sanity, or cleanse the mind of bad knowledge. Such as, if a child has seen something much too mature for their young and innocent mind, then this magic group can remove the knowlegde or memory, and thus cleanse the mind. It can also enhance faith, and hope. Restore Body A simple divine subfamily used to heal wounds, and cure illnesses and diseases. It can also mend birth-defects, num pain, and put one into harmless unconciousness. This spell has the opposite affect on undead; instead of healing, it hurts. BLACK/DARK MAGIC OR WITCHCRAFT/NECROMANCY Murr... The creepy evil stuff. Black magic has a negatice affect on the caster; drains and ebbs away health, complexion, sanity, and longlivity. Mages who use black magics are called witches/warlocks, dark mages, and/or necromancers. Black magics consist of; Contact Demonic (Subfamilies: Summon demonic, Send-soul) Necromancey (Subfamilies: Ressurect, Revive, Summon Undead) Mind-control (Subfamilies: Hypnosis, Ravage Sanity, Mind-read, Torture). CONTACT DEMONIC Simple, contacting your evil neighbor as other dimensions and worlds go; the devil. Summon Demonic To summon a demonic creature from the nether or the Void. For example, summoning a voidmere. Not much else to this subfamily. Send-soul To immediatly send someone's soul to the nether or to a demon, sorta causing them to drop-dead. This spell does not work on anyone strong in their faith. NECROMANCY Ressurect To ressurect is to bring a dead body that has been dead a good long time, back to life. These undead slur and such like zombies, and are technically... Well, stupid. They follow any command given, and do not feel pain. They cannot really die, as they are already dead, but will go back to being so if the necromancer dies or if the necromancer disenchants them. Revive This spell ressurects something that died recently. This undead is actually intelligent, and fully recieves it's soul; well most of it. It's will is semi-trapped to the necromancer, and they are forced to serve. Most revived servants tend to be unhappy because of this... Summon Undead To summon undead you can't just ressurect. Like ghosts, for example. MIND-CONTROL Hypnosis Simply taking one's will and bending it, making them your puppet. The spell doesn't always work, and the target often has to look into the caster's eyes/eye for some some reason, having to do with the fact that the eyes have connection to the mind, I think. Ravage Sanity To ravage one's sanity, to rapidly bring it down. Not really much else to this subfamily. Mind-read To read one's mind, but also to say thing in it, like telepathy. The target cannot ignore the voice in their mind if spoken to, and reading the mind is good for finding out if someone is lieing, or keeping a secret. It is considered a violation of privacy, though. Torture To trigger sheer agony through the mind. Usually by bringing up regrets and guilts, embaressments, and grief if any had been experianced. It can also cause a severe headache. Ok, I think that concludes the magics.